The 92' Selene's Feature in Boat… | Hampton Yachts (en-US)

The 92' Selene's Feature in Boat International Magazine

May 7th, 2017
Hampton Yacht Group of Hampton Yacht Group


The 2016 Selene 92 Ocean Explorer “Watta Ryde” is featured in the May issue of Boat International on page 39! Here is a snapshot of the review. Boat International will also do an online feature which we are looking forward to.

"When they took delivery of the biggest Selene trawler yet built, the 92 foot "Watta Ryde" owners could not wait to take her cruising. They had worked closely with Guido de Groot Design on its functionality. “Every detail was thought out as it would be in their own house,” says De Groot. “They brought valuable experience into the design process.” The owners were attracted to the styling of the larger Selene (their previous one was a 60 footer), although they love the efficency too. However, with a portfolio of businesses requiring their attention, the owners have decided to take a break from cruising and have listed "Watta Ryde" for sale with Seattle-based Hampton Yacht Group."

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