ANNOUNCING: The Oyster & The Pearl | Our New… | Hampton Yachts (en-US)

ANNOUNCING: The Oyster & The Pearl | Our New Owner & Community Forums

Oct 9th, 2018 |
Hampton Yacht Group


We are excited to announce a new digital tool for both of Hampton & Endurance owners and our HYG Community! Visit to check out the forum.

The Oyster is an open forum for the entire HYG Community and those interested in becoming future Hampton or Endurance Owners. We will cover a wide breadth of topics and you are welcome to start your own conversation. The forum is moderated and posts will be approved quickly and we are happy to answer any questions that you have.

The Pearl is an exclusive forum for verified Hampton & Endurance owners to connect with one another and share their ideas, opinions, and insights about cruising. The forum is non-moderated and only accessible to verified owners - please email the site administrator at [email protected] with your Boat Hull and Name to receive access to the owners forum.

We can't wait to share with you on The Oyster &/or The Pearl!

Register Now!

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