Get Your Yacht Ready for Summer! | Hampton Yachts (en-US)

Get Your Yacht Ready for Summer!

Spring Commissioning 

Apr 23rd, 2018
Hampton Yacht Group of Hampton Yacht Group


Before we celebrate the start of the cruising season, make sure your yacht is ready to hit the water.

To Begin:

  • Hose clamps should be inspected and replaced as necessary. Tips: Double clamping below-waterline connections, including all hose and fuel lines with marine-rated stainless hose clamps and keeping seacocks closed when you are away.
  • Replace deteriorated sacrificial anodes.
  • Check the rudderstock to ensure it has not been bent.
  • Inspect the hull for blisters, distortions, and stress cracks.
  • Inspect and tighten if necessary the engine shaft and rudder stuffing boxes.
  • Inspect and lubricate seacocks.
  • Inspect bilge pump and float switch to make sure they are functioning and in good condition.
  • Flush antifreeze, fill water tank, and run fresh water through all of your fixtures.
  • Check stove and remote tanks for loose fittings and leaking hoses.
  • Inspect dock and anchor lines for chafing.
  • If equipped, ensure that the stern drain plug is installed.


  • Clean out engine room of any dust and dirt that accumulated over winter.
  • Inspect fuel lines for any leaking, cracking, or softening or stiffness.
  • Check tanks, pumps, and filters for leaks and replace old fuel with new. Replace filters.
  • Ensure your engine intake sea strainer is not cracked or bent, not corroded, and is clean and secure.
  • Tighten and clean the electrical connections, particularly at the ends of battery cables.
  • Check bilge blower hose for leaks.


  • Make sure all of your equipment is on board and has not expired - flares, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and other equipment.
  • Inspect lines for wear and tear.
  • Check shore power cables and replace any with burns.
  • Update your boating license and registration.
  • Check your insurance policy and update if needed.
  • Replace old charts and plotting software with updated ones.
  • Ensure that you have life jackets in good condition for each passenger including kids and dogs.


  • It's always a great idea to start spring off with a fresh wax and even a coat of bottom paint if deemed necessary.
  • Keep your first run relatively short and close to shore while paying close attention to how your yacht is operating.

If you have any questions, make sure to contact one of our office and one of our experienced brokers will be happy to help. We can't wait to see you on the water!

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